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Prince Edward County Dumpster Rental
Toll Free: 1-877-507-2838 | 613-507-2838
Prince Edward County Dumpster Rental
Toll Free: 1-877-507-2838



Here are the answers to some of the commonly asked questions. If you have any more questions, contact us at

What bin type do I need?

This all depends on the type of rubbish you are going to put in the bin. General Waste is typically anything involved with a "general cleanup around the house and section" that is neither liquid nor of a hazardous nature.
Use a Clean Fill bin, if you have any of the following: Concrete, soil, sand, clay, rocks, rubble, bricks, sand, No other waste can be mixed in this bin i.e. concrete with re-bar requires it own separate bin, additional charges will apply if other waste is placed in this bin. Maximum size bin for clean fill is 6 yards.

I have asphalt to remove. Asphalt can be laced is a 6 yard bin and can be recycled if there are not other contaminates in the bin.
Only use a Clean Fill bin, if you have 100% pure soil / dirt (no contaminants). No other waste can be mixed in this bin, additional charges will apply if other waste is placed in this bin.

Use a bin, if you have any of the following: Grass, leaves, tree trimmings, small branches or wood from around the yard. I have a mixture of garbage, soil, construction material, concrete and rock to remove, what bin should I use. The answer is that you can put all of these into a single bin, but we prefer if it was separate. The maximum weigh the bin can be loaded is 4 metric tonnes/8.800 lbs. The general waste bins are weighed and the landfill site and you are charged by weight. Depending on the amount of dirt, concrete and rock it may be cost effective to rent a separate bin for these materials which can be disposed of for a flat fee. Call us and we can help you decide.

I don't know what size bin I need?

The website provides a scale drawing of bin sizes with dimensions to help you select. Mouse-over the view button to determine the size of each bin. A 9 yard bin is the most common size, however bulky materials like furniture will take up space and you may be better off with a 14 or 20 yard bin. If you are unsure select the next size up. If you fill the bin and require another bin this is another contract.

What can't go in the bin?

Hazardous waste can not be placed in the bin. This includes fridges, paints, solvents, or liquids. To dispose of any of these materials you need to contact your local council. Try the following web site . In some areas, disposal of tires and mattresses in the bin can incur additional charges. Your supplier will be able to advise you of these costs. TV's, monitors, etc should be returned at no charge to participating electronic stores i.e. Future Shop, Best Buy etc. Tires can be returned at no charge to participating tire dealers.

How much does it cost to rent a bin?

It depends on the waste type, the size of the bin and your particular requirements. General waste is disposed of at landfill sites or transfer stations where it is weighted and weight charges are applied to your invoice. Clean Fill bins are a flat rate fee

How long can I keep the bin?

We provide the bin for up to 5 full days on-site. If we deliver a bin on a Friday then we would pick the bin up on the following Thursday. If you want a bin for longer just give us a call at least the day before and you can extend the pick up day for an additional charge. What if I'm not finished with the bin by pick-up day? If unforeseen circumstances mean that you have not finished with the bin, you should call us as early as possible, however at least before 3:00 p.m. the day before your scheduled pick up date. Provided the bin has not been booked out on another job, they can usually be flexible.

When and how do I pay for the bin?

All bin orders are paid for at the time of ordering the bin. We accept payment by all major credit cards, as well as E-Transfers. Any additional charges for excess tip fees will be invoiced to you after the bin has been picked up.

How much weight can I put in the bin?

A General Waste bin have a maximum weight limit of 4 tonnes/4,000 kg. Bin There Dump That are charged tip fees based on weight. If your bin exceeds this weight limit suppliers may charge you additional tipping fees. To give you an example of weight limits, 1 cubic yard (27 cubic feet) of dirt weighs from 1.5 tonnes when dry to 1.8 tonnes when wet. If you fill a 9 yard bin with dirt we cannot lift the bin and you will have to off-load the excess dirt into another bin.

How high can I fill the bin?

Bins should not be filled any higher than the top of its sides and should be filled in such a manner as to prevent spillage of material from the bin either while stationary or in transit. We would also request that sharp object like nails, sharp sticks, sharp wood, tin be facing down in the bin as these catch on the tarps and cause grief for our drivers (Driver and the company face prosecution for unsafe or overweight loads.)

What do I do with hazardous chemicals?

You cannot put any hazardous waste into the bins. To dispose of this you need to contact your local council. Hazardous chemicals include Solvents, Paints, Acids, Laboratory Waste, Oils, Grease traps etc. Try the following web site In some areas, disposal of tires and mattresses in the bin can incur additional charges. Your supplier will be able to advise you of these costs. TV's, monitors, etc should be returned at no charge to participating electronic stores i.e. Future Shop, Best Buy etc. Tires can be returned at no charge to participating tire dealers.

Will they be able to get up my drive?

Your drive needs to be at least 3 metres / 10 feet wide for a normal truck with a 9 cubic yard bin. You should also ensure there are no low hanging trees, power lines or the like, that may hinder the access and placement of the container at time of delivery. Allow 1.6 metres / 16 feet of vertical clearance the full 3 metres / 10 feet wide. But we are willing to work with you on placement of bin for special circumstnaces.

Do you service business/commercial customers?

Yes we can provide service to commercial customers.

Can I get a bin delivered on Sunday?

You can order a bin for Sunday delivery, however the bin would to be delivered on the Friday prior. Under special circumstances we maybe flexible for a Saturday delivery

Can I hire a permanent bin?

Yes we can however we would need to understand your particular requirements, material to be disposed, frequency, size of bin etc. Please give us a call to discuss

Does Bin There Dump That supply wheelie bins or front loading dumper bins?

At the moment this is not a service that we are able to offer.

How much notice do I need to give when ordering my bin?

We should be able to deliver a bin within 24hrs of ordering, however, we suggest bins are booked as far in advance as possible to ensure you are able to get a bin that best meets your requirements .


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